All Systems Operational
Analytics ? Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
API Gateway ? Operational
90 days ago
99.82 % uptime
Auth ? Operational
90 days ago
99.82 % uptime
Connection Pooler ? Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Dashboard ? Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Database ? Operational
90 days ago
99.88 % uptime
Edge Functions ? Operational
90 days ago
99.95 % uptime
Management API ? Operational
90 days ago
99.98 % uptime
Realtime ? Operational
90 days ago
99.96 % uptime
Storage ? Operational
90 days ago
99.94 % uptime
Degraded Performance
Partial Outage
Major Outage
Major outage
Partial outage
No downtime recorded on this day.
No data exists for this day.
had a major outage.
had a partial outage.
Scheduled Maintenance
Dashboard and Management API maintenance Jul 30, 2024 02:00-03:00 UTC
Dashboard and Management API will be briefly unavailable while we carry out needed upgrades. The interruption is expected to last less than 15 minutes.

During the interruption, the management API and dashboard will be unavailable.

The HTTP APIs and Postgres endpoints for existing projects will NOT be affected, and will continue serving traffic normally.

Posted on Jul 26, 2024 - 08:19 UTC
REST API Latency (Singapore)
REST API Latency (North Virginia)
REST API Latency (Frankfurt)
Past Incidents
Jul 27, 2024

No incidents reported today.

Jul 26, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 25, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 24, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 23, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 22, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 21, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 20, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 19, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 18, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 17, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 17, 16:44 UTC
Monitoring - We have determined the users receiving this error message were github signups, who were attempting to sign in with a username/password. We are rolling out an update to provide the expected wrong username/password error.

But at this time, we have no reason to suspect that the login flow is working incorrectly for any users.

If you receive an unexpected error, please try logging in with github. If that fails, please contact our support at

Jul 17, 15:58 UTC
Identified - We have identified an issue logging in to the Supabase Dashboard from some users who sign in with Github.

A small number of users who normally sign in via Github may see an unexpected server error rather if they attempt to login with an email and password instead.

Users who experience this error should attempt to sign in with Github to resolve the issue.

Jul 17, 14:41 UTC
Update - We are continuing to investigate this issue.
Jul 17, 14:22 UTC
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Jul 17, 14:15 UTC
Jul 16, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 16, 10:52 UTC
Monitoring - The ISP has fixed the issue and we are monitoring the situation.
Jul 16, 08:01 UTC
Identified - The problem has been narrowed down to an ISP having degraded performance with IPv6 traffic. Our CDN provider is working with the ISP to resolve the issue.
Jul 16, 06:26 UTC
Update - We're continuing to work with Cloudflare and AWS on identifying the source of the interruption between the two.

Affected connections are to projects hosted in the AWS sa-east-1 region, generally when contacted from us-east-1 (but potentially others as well).

Workarounds include:

- relocating client workloads to us-west-1
- temporarily using an IPv4 add-on (the interruption only seems to be affecting IPv6 traffic)

Jul 16, 04:18 UTC
Update - The connectivity issue seems to be affecting connections made from the AWS us-east-1 region (including, e.g. Vercel resources hosted in iad1), to projects hosted in the AWS sa-east-1 region.

Initiating requests from other AWS regions should work without issues, and can be used as a workaround (e.g. by moving client service/app hosting locations).

We're still working on a root cause and resolution.

Jul 15, 23:43 UTC
Update - There seem to be Cloudflare connectivity issues between some regions in North and South America, to our projects hosted in the sa-east-1 region.

Other regions seem to be unaffected.

Jul 15, 22:44 UTC
Update - We are continuing to investigate this issue.
Jul 15, 22:35 UTC
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Jul 15, 22:32 UTC
Jul 15, 2024
Jul 14, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 13, 2024

No incidents reported.